Main Character Roles
Influential People:
Rania Tabbah Designer and Judge
Krristian Aguiar - Designer and Judge
Mosaab Alsaray - Photographer and judge
Treveon - Designer Judge
Alex Deeks 2022 Miss Fashion Global Universe
Yoanna Grace Marget America’s Next Top Model Winner Season 2
Victoria Henley host and America’s Next Top Model season 12
Ron Raffial Host
Kimberly Thompson Staff and Model
Maria Hagali Miss Fashion Global Universe 2021
Franchise Partners:
Mauricio Herrera, Tracy Bailey, Solomon Steeley, Shamrika Horton, Kevin Knott, Lakeesha Stoner, Julie Cattaneo, Alison Vaughn, Lena Harmon
Valarie Iosue
I was born in Philadelphia and currently live in Collingswood, New Jersey. I am a ballet teacher, model, and podcaster. I have 4 beautiful children. I have a lot of modeling experience. My hobbies are dance, yoga, working out, rock climbing, Cosplay, anything fun! I am excited to compete this year in MFG for a lot of reasons. I am looking forward to networking with other women in the competition, and other people in the industry. I love being around woman that support and empower each other. I would be a good fit for the TV show because my story will inspire anyone who hears it. I talk about most of my experiences on my podcast, Dancing in the Rain with Valarie. I am a cancer survivor, a widow (my husband passed away from cancer in 2019, and a rape survivor. One of my messages is to have a Wonder Woman mindset.
Tiara Maxon
I just want to be a good role model for young girls to chase their dreams and never give up. As being a main character I feel like I can get that message out there.
Starr Murphy
It would be an honor to be chosen for a main character because I can bring personality and honesty to the show. I plan to shine in the competition as well as the show. I would also love to be an advocate for young women all over the world who are judged by their size or race and show that everyone is beautiful just the way they are.
Sha-Abria Williams
As one of the main characters I would personify the enthusiasm & energy of being determined to level up my skills as an aspiring model. I look forward to getting people excited about fashion as much as I am! Impacting others through the power of fashion. I'm always willing to learn more & prune my skills so that I can stand to be one of the best at what I do.
Thank you in advance for your consideration & this opportunity!
Sha-Abria Williams
I had difficulty sending my video through this portal. Instead I sent an attachment via email to I apologize for any inconvenience. Thanks!
Maricel Leano
I believe I am an inspiring story.. I came from the Philippines with 3 young boys.. a single mother starting out in the US with only a wing and a prayer.
My youngest son is deaf with many health issues.
My two older sons are both in military. They grew up to be honorable men.
I don’t even know how I got to be at this point in my life despite the ordeal. I stood strong and kept my optimism to succeed. Went to school and got myself a diploma.. I’m working a surgical tech in a hospital in Colorado. Im proud of what I have done for my kids and for myself. I’m also grateful of this great America that I was given opportunities. Met wonderful people along my journey, had good and bad experiences and learnt from them. I’m 49 years old now but I don’t feel like I’m aging. I feel like I have so much to do. And so much to learn and teach the younger people especially, mothers to strive harder, get education., be a role model to their children and other people. Love and take good care of themselves. Do the things that make them happy. There is so much to say.. but I’ll share it when there’s still a good chance.
I’m happy and excited and looking forward to November .
Thanks to the organization that made this event.
Erika Carrico
I bring something very unique to the table. Not only have I acted and modeled for years, but I worked in healthcare in the transplant sector until selling that company. I then decided to put business aside at the age of 40 and go back to pursuing my passion of being a musician. I have now released an album and am featured on ITunes, Spotify, Amazon music and all other platforms.
I am also a mother of two Autistic children and am an advocate for these amazing kids.
Renee Bailey
In 2020, I had heart surgery. It was a shock to me that I had heart issues. After recovering and losing a dramatic 100lbs, I feel like I signed a new lease on life.I faced many challenges not only health wise but in my personal life and forced life changes.I faced the fear of death causing me to re-evaluate my life and gained clarity on my past, present and how it would influence me going forward. I adopted a healthy way of eating by creating my own heart healthy recipes and customized eating plan. I never tried to lose weight, but the side effect was nothing less than remarkable. I received thousands of messages from people wanting advice and sharing their health issues. They also shared their personal and relationship issues, and discussed things holding them back in life – such as fear; fear of failure, success, disappointment, embarrassment, shame, guilt, and fear of loss. Fear is a silent, hidden enemy. I suddenly found myself helping others amid my own transformation, which was healing for me, as well. It was because of this, that I felt compelled to share my story, and the story of others. I began thinking of creative ways to go about this but felt I needed to be on a platform for my voice to be truly heard. Since contestants are traditionally known to have a “Personal Platform", I focused my attention on becoming a titleholder and winning a coveted crown in a beauty pageant. Petite USA seemed the perfect choice as my first pageant. Not only had I just lost 100lbs and was now a petite 5’5”, 115lbs, I had a platform to tell my story, the story of others, be an inspiration to a large mass, and educate on improving heart health, healthy living, and reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. But not only that, I could be a spokesperson on a variety of causes and issues that help people better themselves and help them find their best self, and live their best life….whatever that means for them. In order to do this, it’s imperative that I build a following, gain influence and recognition, build my social media, tv/media presence, to implement positive changes for others. I have owned an entertainment PR agency in the past managing artists and was behind the scenes. It’s now time for me to be in front of the camera. I’ve been on stage for over 25 years in bands, am a top 25 US Billboard Artist and Top 10 UK artist, and am looking to go back into the studio to try to do it again. I volunteer. I want to be a Humanitarian and Philanthropist. On the scale at which I wish to do this work on, I wish to marry my entertainment talent, business know how, and new pageant/modeling to get me into the proper doors and meet the right people for Humanitarian and Philanthropy work, as well as entertainment work. I want to be a spokesperson, host and influencer and help others but be a known recognized personality in doing so. I realized when I was told I needed heart surgery, that I hadn’t lived my life. And the person I was with, where I was living, just…,everything….. “this was it? This is how I die?” That was literally my thought! “But I haven’t done this or that yet….And this is who is going to take care of me? And I’m not even happy! And do on! The name Renee means “born again”. I was reborn that day when I woke up from surgery. And I’m in a moment of transition. It’s never too late to start over or transform and I’m living proof. Every breath is a new moment to start again. And that’s why you should pick me. I have hundreds..,thousands…over 8,000 people right now on social media who think I am an inspiration. I’m just a girl that needed heart surgery, lost 100lbs, lost her 11 yr relationship, and found herself being a single mom again at nearly 50. Faced depression. Real depression. And was a stay at home mom for 8 years when he left and had no job and 2 little kids. With a heart issue. And a bunch more challenges…And suddenly is risen to The Crown with over 8,000 followers overnighted. I look forward to partnering with MFG to help in my mission and look forward to working with you.
Jessica Pizarro
I should be chosen as one of the main characters because I am driven to help others, I look forward to meeting the other models and contestants to encourage one another to become the best versions of themselves while growing and expanding my energy. I have a vibrant and loving energy that attracts those around me and offers a sense of peace and calmness. I am excited for this opportunity and will dedicate my entire being to make this a wonderful experience for everyone involved. Thank you for this opportunity, I am grateful to be here and look forward to this new experience!
Bella Basque
The reason I think you should choose me as a main character is because, I would like to bring a fresh and fun energy to set and to filming. I love everything about the competition and want to share my journey and experiences. I love acting, modeling, live streaming, designing and make up artistry. I love all aspects of the industry and would love to share my enthusiasm and on camera personality with others! I have both film and modeling experience and feel I would be an asset to your tv pilot.
Brianna Therese Reed
I will be 18 years old at the time of the competition. I have a 4.7 GPA, in all Advanced Placement Classes, I am a member of the;
1. National Honors Society
2. National Society of High School Scholars
3. National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists
I am going to be a surgeon and attending school in Los Angeles so I am also able to pursue my passion. I have attended a famous school of the arts during high school.
My dream is to be in hollywood and do what I love. Acting and modeling is my passion. I am working with a Hollywood film director and he wants me to get a little more experience before he sends me to the casting directors he works with. MFG would be the start of my career on film and I will be a big supporter of the organization. I want to be able to empower women around the world to follow their dreams and achieve their goals as well.
Thank you for your consideration.
Ana Miranda
In the last 8 years I have helped women find strength and independence within themselves. I’m an immigrant from Portugal and fought to become a US citizen. I was a single mom, went to school and graduated as a pediatric nurse, lost over 100lbs and became a competitive bodybuilder and started a business in health and wellness where I help women reach their health goals whether that’s weight loss or other health goals they may have. I’m an advocate for women supporting other women. My goal being a part of MFG is to show my daughters and girls every where that women are capable of following their dreams regardless of their circumstances and that it’s okay for us to put ourselves first. When women support each other, incredible things happen.
Leila Collins
I think I would be a great choice Because I am very passionate about modeling and acting and have spent a lot of time preparing for this show ahead of time. I love reality TV and I think that I could add a lot of humor and laughter to the show while also being serious when needed. I love the ocean and the beach and I’m super excited that this show is going to be filmed right on the ocean that’s where I feel most at home and I am really looking forward to it and excited to meet everyone and show off what I got! I’m confident and outgoing and love being around people. I do best in challenging situations and have always dreamed of being in a reality series!
Dallas Roberts
With my collective experiences, I have an innate ability to connect with people from all walks of life. Having said that, I have a great deal of empathy for others and a passion to spread kindness to the world. Like so many others, I have had my moments of struggles in life’s journey and have learned so much along the way. Once a victim of domestic violence, I am happy to say I was one of the lucky ones. I not only survived but have used that time in my life as a lesson for myself to bring positive changes in my life. Because of this I have continued to thrive out from the ashes full of love and happiness.
I had the opportunity to meet Kiera, (a young girl also competing in MFG) while at a friend’s ranch in Colorado and we quickly became friends! The ranch belonged to Pat Parelli, a fellow horsemen known famously around the world for his talents in training horses while also being an amazing life coach to their riders. This friend felt empathy for me as my journey had taken another unfortunate turn with the recent passing of my father. Coincidently, my family’s funeral business in my hometown (of the last four generations preceded by my father), handled the services of his parents in kind. Having a shared experience with the grieving process has been a blessing for me in my healing journey of losing my dad. As a fellow horsemen/woman and rodeo athletes, we share an unspoken bond and understanding along with the love for the horse and the equestrian world. This world of horses has always served as a grounding force for me. I retired from the horse business years ago, yet I found myself yearning to feel that connection, peace, love, and grounding of horses again. I quickly realized that my story with horses is not over. During my time at the ranch, Pat and Kiera inspired me to push forward with Pat even stating “You have the Je Ne Sais Quoi!”. With their encouragement, and the love and support from those closest to my heart, I am so happy to have the opportunity to pursue my childhood dream of modeling on a much larger stage. I feel inspired and empowered to join the likes of Miss Fashion Global!
Throughout my collective journey the grieving process has changed me from within and the layers of my soul continue to open and reveal a truer sense of self. I have felt so much gratitude for the simple joys in this life since the loss of so much. I am constantly finding things I am much more grateful for! The attitude of gratitude alone will open the heart, mind, and soul to another level of awareness. A part of myself that I otherwise never knew before, the one word that almost always stands clearly and boldly: humble.
One thought, gesture or a single act of kindness alone can be the intersection of change in the world— even in another person’s life! As a survivor or domestic violence, I would love a platform to share and inspire women in all situations to find their inner strength. For the world to know that these situations do not define them, nor does their trauma. The experience itself is the most unfortunate, however, it can serve as the pivoting point in a woman’s life to be strong and become who they are meant to be rather than under the cloaks. A time to blossom into the soul you always were!
• Miss Rodeo Florida — Spokesperson and Representative for the State of Florida.
• Champion Spearfisherman.
• Certified SCUBA/Freediver.
• Print Model — Tractor Supply, clothing companies, perfumes, products.
• Business Development Specialist in Commercial Construction and Services for all of Florida.
• Healthcare Essential Worker - Hospital Operations and Facilities Maintenance
• Walt Disney Dreamers and Doers Award.
• State Champion Calf Roper.
• United States Team Roping Finals Qualifier.
• United States Breakaway Calf
• Roping World Finals Qualifier.
• State Champion Ranch Rodeo Team.
• Hog Hunting and Fishing TV personality.
• Age: 42
Kailiegh Poage
This is what I want to do. I have always wanted to be a model from a young age and show other girls that all beauty is; is confidence. I want to major and business and minor in fashion to one day create my own fashion line. I also have a fun uplifting personality that really shines.
Merlyn Mantilla
I would like to extend my video, and film experience
Sharde DeJesus
I think I would be a perfect fit because I’m great to work with I’m a hard worker and professional also open minded. I’m not the typical beauty pageant contestant but I have a dope ass personality I’ve had an interesting journey in life so far that I believe helps plus I’m funny. My exotic look and personality will pull viewers in and stay engaged! Plus who doesn’t like looking at beautiful people!
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